Loaded more pictures of Mackenzie.

Added a family journal entry detailing the birth of our daughter.

Modified my brother Richard and his wife's page to include the upcoming birth of their twins.

Added a letter from my cousin Dawn talking about her late mother.

Fixed picture links for Sunsplash 06 and Halloween 06.

New pictures of the kids are out. Both kids have pictures of their own out under Nick's Pics and Zack's Pics.

Some new pictures of May's child, Catheryne have been added.

Our third child has been named and has pictures from her baby shower out. Along with a few new ultrasound pictures.

Pictures of my 41st birthday are out.

Of course, pictures of Christmas are out.

Journal entries under Nicholas have been moved to the family journal entries.

Finally, some updates to various pages, navigation fixes, and general clean up has been done.

I found some pictures that I meant to put up earlier but seem to have forgotten about. So, since I missed August's update, I took those pictures and made a late update for August. I also have September's updates for the kids.

There are also, finally, some pictures of CJ out there. I know, over a year after she was born. But they are out there. I need to find some more, though. Overall, I need to find more time to update this site. Life is just too busy.

Finally, Karen and John have had their second child, Calvin. There are some pictures of him here.