Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine’s Day to all (even though it’s one day late).  We didn’t do anything for Valentine’s and if you read on, you will understand why, but I hope that all of you had a great Valentine’s Day.  Well, Michael’s minor surgery went pretty smoothly.  He’s still at home trying to recover.  He will be returning to work tomorrow (Wednesday) but he won’t be able to bowl or carry Nicholas for the next six weeks.  He’s not suppose to lift anything over 15 pounds and Nicholas is already 20 pounds 11 ounces, too heavy for Michael right now.  Well, my New Years went by pretty quickly and smoothly.  I didn’t have to give away that much money.  Nicholas actually got quite a bit money himself, which will go towards his college fund.  I practically just went over to my mother’s house and hung out throughout most of the New Year.  On the first day, February 5th, a few of my sister, Erin (my oldest niece), Nicholas, and I went to see a presentation at Sac City.  Nicholas was in that cute Chinese outfit that you guy can see in the old pictures of the day.  The one where he was with Kelly, one of my younger sisters, was actually taken during the presentation that day.  Everyone at the presentation thought that he was just the cutest little boy around.  If there was a Chinese costume contest, I’m sure he would have won.  Well, the last time I wrote an update, I told you that Nicholas and Michael were sick.  Guess what?  They are sick again.  Nicholas has the cold again and this really nasty cough.  I took him to the doctor yesterday and the doctor said that he has an ear infection.  The doctor gave us some liquid medication and the last time I called my parent’s house, he spit the whole thing back out when they tried to give it to him.  Nicholas gave his cold to Michael again.  Michael doesn’t look that bad but because he just finished the surgery, coughing really hurts him internally.  He’s very reluctant that he has not sneezed yet and I really hope that he doesn’t until he has fully recovered.  I see the look on him when he coughs and I can tell that he’s in a lot of pain.  I can imagine how much pain it would be if he sneezed.  Well, now that Michael can’t lift anything over 15 pounds and still trying to recovery, I’m stuck with all the housework and the babysitting.  It’s been quite hectic this weekend with two sick boys and a really fussy one.  Mike could barely move this weekend so he spent most of his time in the bed.  (I think he finally realized how horrible bed rest is when you have to stay on it for more than 8 hours while you are awake!)  Nicholas was totally no help to me either.  He has been very fussy and cranking these past few days.  He’s been very sticky.  He never wants to get down from me and play.  If he’s on the floor playing, he wants me next to him or else he’ll start crying.  When I put him on my back, he’ll start complaining that he wants to get off, but when I take him down, he’ll start crying and complaining that he wants me to hold him again.  I really have no idea how to please him all the time.  Trying to do all the housework and take care of the two boys have really worn me out quite a bit.  Two nights ago, Nicholas fell asleep around 6 PM and didn’t wake up until 9:30 PM.  I didn’t want to wake him up because he was so tired, but I knew that I would be in trouble if he woke up because he would not want to go back to sleep until really late.  Well, I was right.  He did not go back to sleep until 1 AM.  I had to work the next morning and was I tired.  Michael and I use to switch off in taking and picking Nicholas up from my parents, but now I have to take him and pick him up.  That means that I have to get up an hour earlier now to take Nicholas to my parents.  I’m still not use to that yet and I have to do this for five more weeks.  Oh, boy.  Oh yeah, to add to this great fun that I’ve been having, I was sick last week also so imagine how much I must have really enjoyed this past weekend.