Zachary is another year older

Zachary’s birthday has come and past.  We had a lot of fun, but it was one very tiresome weekend. 

At the beginning of the week, we had to worry about finish remodeling and cleaning up the rental house because Michael’s father and step-mother were moving in from Oregon at the end of the week.  Michael also had to stay up late on Monday to wait for them because they were driving down from Oregon that night. He needed to bring them over to our house so that the cats can be situated in our guest room downstairs and then taken to the motel where they stayed until Friday.  On Tuesday, we had to go over to the rental house to see the process of the remodeling and the clean up.  Wednesday was a quieter day (thank goodness).  On Thursday was a ‘long’ day.  We had people that were going to steam clean the carpets in the morning.  All the remaining trash around the house needed to be taken out, and the house needed to be cleaned.  I had to take some time off of work to finish the cleaning the house.  We worked until 9 PM or so because we went to pick up the kids from my parents house.  On Friday, Lauren and Midge moved in.  Michael spent the day at our house clean up and getting ready for the birthday party.  I asked own of my nieces to come over after work to help out with the cleaning and preparation.  Then Saturday was the day of the party.  Luckily, this time I ordered pizza so there wasn’t a lot of food preparation we had to do, just mainly making the appetizers.  Once again, I made way too much food and ordered way too many pizzas.  Luckily, there was Sunday to get some rest before having to go back to work on Monday. 

Zachary’s birthday party itself was fun.  He had a couple of classmates that came to the party and they all had a lot of fun swimming and playing.  Zachary got lots of presents and gift cards. We would like to take this opportunity to say “Thank You” to those who came to the birthday party and your gifts.  It’s been a long time since we’ve had all the grandparents at a birthday party.  Lauren and Midge were there for a little bit and so was Bryce (Michael’s step-brother).  Of course, we have the usual Irene and Richard, Michael’s brother Richard and Carla and my parents.