April 18th Update

We had some problems with the server so this update is a tad late. Well, we are out of the hospital. On Thursday, the doctors stopped the magnesium and put us on nifedipine. After 24 hours of monitoring her on this, they decided to let us go. She has to take this stuff every four hours at the maximum dosage. This, of course, does not go well with her as she experiences dizziness. But it is far better than the magnesium. We have another appointment tomorrow so the doctor can see how she is doing. We are still having contractions but not that many and not nearly as strong. We are supposed to return to the hospital if we experience six or more contractions within an hour. So far, we are enthusiastic about the results of the new medicine as it seems to work really well. We are also very optimistic that little Nicholas will not be born premature now.

We got out of the hospital soon after.

About 10 days before Nicholas came, we went back to the hospital...

We are at 38 weeks now. Mui started having contractions every five minutes or so, yesterday, for about an hour or so. She gave the hospital a call and they told us to come on in. We went in and they put her on the monitor. Of course, at that time, the contractions stopped. They told us to walk around for about half an hour then come back and get checked. She had contractions while we walked but they stopped once we returned. We walked around for another half an hour and got rechecked. Mui ended up with about nine strong contractions during the walks but when they rechecked her, her cervix was still at the same size ( about 4-5 cm dilated). They ended up sending us home.

They basically told us that we can have about nine to ten strong contractions an hour and it would still be okay. They somewhat gave us a guideline on when to go back there. One was if Mui's contractions were about two minutes apart and much stronger than what she was feeling already. Another was if her water breaks. (This one is pretty obvious.) Also, if the baby's movements decreases dramatically. They said that if this happens, they would induce Mui since Nicky is old enough to come out. The final one is if Mui has a very strong urge of pushing. Today, the contractions have eased up and Nicky does not seem to want to come out anymore. Perhaps it will be the due date after all.