9 Months

Well, both Nicholas and Michael are well from their cold or flu (whatever it was that they both had), but now, it’s me who got the illness.  I have been sick for about a week or so now and I still feel very lousy and miserable.  I feel very tired a lot of times and have been trying to get more sleep at nights so that I can feel better during the daytime.  Michael has fully recovered from his surgery and is now more or less back to normal.  As for me, I’m still trying to look for another job. 

Well, Nicholas, while he was sick has lost a few ounces, but I’m sure that he will regain them soon.  He’s starting to have the courage to learn how to walk.  On Saturday, he started standing up and carefully taking one little step forward.  Now, he does it more often and he can take up to two little steps before falling again.  I think he will be able to walk probably by the end of this month.  Like I said in the last update, he still got no tooth.  He’s nine months old now and he still doesn’t have any sign of a tooth. 

This Wednesday, Nicholas will be going in for his nine month check up and also to test if the Hepatitis B vaccine was effective or not.  I think he will also be getting a few more other shots on this visit to the doctor.   I don’t think that he will be a happy camper after the doctor’s.  Well, Nicholas has also learned how to distinguish what is the end of the bed, sofa, or stairs.  At my parents’ house, he loves to climb up their stairs.  Every time he gets to the top of the stairs, he wants to come back down but is a bit scared to do so.  He realizes that he might fall back down so he proceeds with a lot of caution.  Last night, my mother was testing him by giving him her hand to help him get down but every time my mother gave him one hand, he would pull his hand back.  Then she would give him both hands.  At first he would think about going for it but then the next second, he would pull his hands away and abandon the trip downward.  The only time that he will actually try it is if you grabbed him by the arms.  If you just grabbed him by the hands, he will reject them and continue to stay on top of the stairs.  He’s a very smart boy.  When he’s on our bed with us, he is very careful when he is at the edge of the bed.  He will crawl towards it but will stop once he has reached the edge.  Before, he just kept going and if you don’t grab him, he’ll go overboard.  Now, he knows how to stop and avoid going over and hitting his head on the floor.  He does the same when he’s on the sofa. 

There isn’t much more that I can talk about.  Nicholas is continuing to grow and is extremely healthy right now.  We are still trying to get him to eat some solid food, but he doesn’t seem to like to many of the ones that we have fed him.  The only one that he really likes is carrot.  We are going to try more flavors and see if he likes any of them.  Oh, he now can eat cereal.  He’s had Trix, Honey Nut Cheerios, and Cheerios.  He just takes them and keeps it in his mouth until they get soft enough for him to swallow it.  He likes them a lot and it keeps him entertained for quite a long time. 

Hopefully, by the next time I write an entry again, he will be walking.